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Turning Point's Health and Care Future Webinar Series - The delivery of public services
Webinar: Walt Larimore - Faith flags, faith stories, and faith prescriptions in clinical practice
Webinar: Dr Gene Rudd - Are faith and science compatible?
Growth mindset | Future You webinar
Webinar: Dr Gábor Győri - Sharing faith with patients & colleagues
Developing Central Defenders Of The Future | FA Learning Hot Topics Webinar
Four plausible scenarios for the future (Webinar 4: Foresight project series)
The Future of Primary Care Webinar
Shift Into Legacy 2025 Webinar
Patient Safety Awareness, Past, Present and Future Webinar
Bring Your Light webinar - a discussion on faith, belief and resilience
Creating a better future webinar: The madness behind the numbers-accurate diagnosis, is it possible?